Wayne Kawamoto over at Magic.About.com has named Duplicity as one of his top tricks of 2008.
The man has taste, that's for sure.
Thanks for the kudos, Wayne, and I'll be sure to pass them along to Mr. John Bannon as well!
Classics are classics for a reason.That last part is tongue-in-cheek. Kenn is actually a good friend.
Ask John Sturk. His afternoon lecture featured three classics that John has made his own. He shared the routines and thinking that have made his brand of street performing a favorite all over the Midwest. No e-llusionist kid here. Sturk shared a style and philosophy that harkens more to Cellini and Gazzo and less to some other media phenoms.
Clean, crisp magic coupled with enthusiastic audience participation are the hallmarks of Sturk's performance. I hate him. He will always be younger.
"As far as packet tricks go, I really want to commend Boris Wild and the crew at Fun Inc for putting out a packet trick that goes above and beyond what this humble magic reviewer has come to expect."
Magic. Consider a magic book or kit for boys who aren't the best at sports. Hart said boys in this age group want to awe their friends and illusions can do the trick. "It isn't magic in the kid sense but sleight of hand, Hart said. "It can raise the self-esteem of someone who isn't great at sports."Read the full article here: A cure for bored boys.