The first is about Troy Hooser's Shellraiser, of which Mr. Regal writes: "The magic Mr. Hooser teaches is good stuff, so to received the props as well as proper instruction at this low price is an offer that, for many, should not be refused." For those of you who are unaware, each copy of the Shellraiser DVD includes an Expanded Shell, and the suggested retail price is only $25.00.
Regal's second review is of Boris Wild's popular follow-up to his hit trick, Very Wild. This one's called WPT. For a mere $15.00, you receive a thorough instructional DVD in French and English, along with the special cards to perform the effect. Regal writes: "This is one of those tricks that a hobbyist could perform, but would look great in the repertoire of any working pro." Regal also calls the trick a "great deal."
Thanks, David. We couldn't agree with you more!
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