A few weeks ago, our esteemed president, Graham Putnam, was featured in an article in
The Chicago Tribune. The article focused on our line of gags and novelties, in particular, Whoops.
Whoops is the official name for our fake vomit. We've been hand-brewing vomit for your

entertainment pleasure for many years. While the exact recipe is a trade secret (they still haven't told me), you can still learn what goes into the powerful puke by reading the article here:
The ultimate in gag gifts.Graham's appearance in the newspaper flooded the Fun Inc. switchboard with calls from nostalgic parents wanting to buy a little childishness for their kids and fellow adults for Christmas. Since we're a wholesaler, not a retailer, we just had to point them in the direction of their local Fun Inc. dealer.
In addition to Whoops, I was particularly excited to discover that we own the U.S. Patent on
Talking Teeth, the wind-up chattering teeth that I know you've seen on television! While enjoying an episode of
NBC's The Office (I borrowed Season 3 from a friend), I noticed Michael Scott (played by Steve Carrell) was playing with some Talking Teeth on his desk while trying to procrastinate. I was so excited that I noticed our product on TV, I pretty much forgot about the rest of the episode. If I remember the which episode it was, I'll have to make another post later.
I like to think I know a lot about the magic business, but after 7 weeks at this company, I am smart enough to know that I don't know very much. Everyday I learn something fascinating, which makes me excited to come to work every morning. It may be cliche, but it really is fun to be at Fun.
someone posted that in the
genii forum and i read it
right away.
it was a very interesting article.
so...is tomas the vomit master??
No, Tomas is not the vomitmaster...more like the prince of puke!
Seriously though, they haven't told me what the secret recipe is! I think that now that I'm blogging, they're afraid I'll let it slip accidentally...
then Graham must be vomit master.
i don't know if i'd want to know the recipe is, it would gross me out if i did!
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