Tomas Medina's TOP 6 New Year Resolutions:
1. Quit smoking. This is pretty easy because I don't smoke.
2. Lose weight. Also easy because I am a twerp.
3. Get the tires rotated on my car. Self-explanatory and, again, easy.
4. Stop pronouncing VERNET incorrectly. It's VER-NET, not VER-NAY.
5. Learn to float like the guy on TV.
6. Write a blog.
This is my first time blogging EVER! Not a problem since I love talking magic!
I have to admit, working at FUN Incorporated is a dream job for a magician. I get to talk to professional magicians, discuss magic , and even help develop new tricks! Plus I get to handle a deck of cards all day and not get in trouble! How cool is that?

I've worked retail magic sales for almost 6 years. Therefore the transition to FUN Incorporated wasn't too stressful. I'm a total magic nut and if anything, very knowledgable in regards to product. FUN is the perfect place for a guy like me.
I loved working at a magic shop. Some of the best times of my life. In fact, I DO MISS demonstrating magic. Yes, I still sell magic, but over the phone. Many new magic shop owners ask me for advice in regards improving magic sales. In my next blog, I'll expand on this topic! See you in a week.
A week?!?!?!
Hi Mai-ling! Thanks for reading my blog. I will be posting every Tuesday! Sometimes more if I feel extra frisky.
More, more, More!
Putting Shakespeare, Yeats and Marvel Comics to shame, the Amazing Tomas is gracing us all with his most eloquent contributions to the written arts! We are indeed indebted to his mere presence in blogworld... Hip hip - Hooray!
Tomas your blog is so amazing, any girl would be so lucky to have a magic geek like you to come home to every night!
Tomas you are the main homeslice in Fun. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the start of a new blog and keep up the sweetness for all of us. Peace out homes.
Oh Boy! Im not letting my wife anywhere this blog - she's in love with Tomas!
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