Second, the big announcement I've been teasing you all about: FUN will be carrying the latest reprint of Ed Marlo's Revolutionary Card Technique! The ultimate classic textbook on cards, Bill Malone calls it "a definite must for anyone studying sleight of hand with cards." Originally published as a series of smaller manuscripts, RCT covers things like card changes, faro shuffles, estimation, and much more. This stuff is for the serious cardician, folks. We're not talking stuff for the casual performer: this book includes knuckle-busting finger flickers!
The shipment of books is due at the FUN compound either today or tomorrow, but we are accepting pre-orders for dealers. We'll be putting them for sale on the FUN Inc. website once we have them in hand, but for now, dealers will need to contact the FUN Customer Service team at (773) 745-3837.
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