The mentalism bug seems to be all the rage lately, and as usual, FUN Inc. has you covered. After being long unavailable, we are proud to re-introduce Diamond Jim Tyler's mental gem: SentiMental Postcards.
Talk about packs flat and plays big! You introduce several postcards from previous trips around the world. You lay the postcards out to conduct an experiment in mind-reading. Blindfolded or while your back is turned, a spectator to touches the cards at random. Incredibly, you predict the spectator’s every move and ultimately divine their final selection. The final selection is also revealed to be the magician’s last romantic get-away.
Diamond Jim performs this at all his lectures, and it's always a sure-fire hit!
We also have a first in the magic world: Jumbo ESP cards with Bicycle backs. In addition to th

Personally, I enjoy using ESP cards - they're a nice change of pace from the traditional face cards. I also have a favorite symbol: the wavy lines.
Mentioning this to Tomas, funny man that he is, he struck me with this realization: they're not waves or wavy lines. Take this well-known illustration, for example:

Press button. Receive bacon. Consume.
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