In the magic business, you never can tell when a new product is going to be a dud or if it's going to sell big. Some items I thought were awesome turned out to be poor sellers - and then there's the rare item that you know will be a big seller and it proves you right.
Cameron Francis' Red Hot Prediction has been flying off the shelves since we released it a few weeks ago. This easy-to-do effect was impressing magicians at the convention I attended a ways back, and keeps on going!
What could be simpler than this: two cards are touched from a face-up spread. Another card is freely named. Having explained a premonition you had prior to the performance, you show the two touched cards reveal the named card written on their backs!
Quick reset, excellent shop demo - what more could you ask for?
We're working right now on producing some more of these - we sold out already! Check with your local dealer to get one for yourself - before they're gone again!
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