Yes, Fun is stocking a lot of new products. Yes, many of them are books, and magic books are near and dear to my heart.
But I'm not going to talk about magic books today. No, I'm going to talk about magic in a magazine.

The current issue of The New Yorker, the stalwart of the Conde Nast stable of publications, features a lengthy article by Adam Gopnik about the current state of the magical arts. The piece is entitled "The Real Work" and heavily features the magic scene in New York City, and specifically Gopnik's friend, Jamy Ian Swiss.
This morning, I listened to an interview with Gopnik and Swiss on NPR (check it out here). It raises several interesting points about the public perception of magic, why men are attracted to magic more often than women (as performers, not as spectators), and more.

1 comment:
check it out tomorrow night
and let dad read it while
i'm hosting N&P @ Borders.
I missed the issue of New Yorker
with Ricky. The first time I was
really exposed to his magic was
on Dateline, when Jane Pauly
interviewed him. Dad introducing
me to him months prior for the
first time was enjoyable because
we recognized him in the
james bond movie.
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