Monday, February 4, 2008

The Where and When of Magic

When is it appropriate to perform magic?

Many new magicians are eager to display their skill and abilities at every possible opportunity. The seasoned professional can rely on their experience to tell them when it may be appropriate to bust out the cards or do a quick TT vanish.

My rule of thumb goes something like this: I rarely leave the house without a deck of cards or a TT in my pocket, but I rarely make use of them. Since many of my friends know that I am a magician, I'm often called upon for a quick trick when meeting new people in a group setting. Aside from that, I don't want to be the "annoying magic geek" who pushes performances onto unwilling spectators.

When I venture out alone, to the DMV or some other place where I know I'll be waiting, I sometimes bring out my cards just to keep myself entertained. Practice is essential to good magic, and it's not impossible to practice while watching the news, or while waiting in line. Sooner or later, someone else will start watching me, then strike up a conversation "What are you doing there?" A golden opportunity to perform for a stranger.

If I am end up going to a magic event, I make a point of not bringing any magic items with me. It is extremely rude to perform when someone else has been hired to. I have had an experience where I was performing at a bar, invited a magician friend to come watch me perform, and turned around to see him doing a cigarette vanish while I was still on the clock. I was pretty angry! I invited him to watch me perform, not for him to take over my show. The same can be said of theater-going. It is not at all appropriate to pull out some D'Lites and perform for the folks sitting around you while waiting for the curtain to go up on the illusion show.

Always leaving the audience wanting more. So remember: just because you CAN do magic anytime, anywhere, it doesn't mean you should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've been trying to stick my keyboard in my back pocket for
years. so i can keep up with
them guitareest.