Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Celebracadabra News!

So last week Mr. Hal Sparks performed my Booger Restoration trick from Geek Magic.
I wrote an email to Hal and he responded! He wrote back, saying."I credited you when we were taping but I don't know if they aired that part. Did they? I dig your DVD, brother. Nice work." My trick didn't air, but was available only on the VH1 website as a deleted scene. Still, I'm flattered he chose to watch my DVD.

Then, Lisa Ann Walter performed another trick from Geek Magic on this week's episode - the balloon swallow! The trick isn't original with me, but still... you can learn it off the DVD. She did a great job!

Celebracadabra has been fun to watch, and especially fun to see which tricks the coaches pick. Many of them can be purchased at any magic shop. For example:
Television magic specials are great for shops and magic in general. Hopefully this series will encourage viewers to visit their local shop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for you!