Thursday, September 4, 2008

Trusted Reviews?

Is there a single source, a single opinion you trust when it comes to reviews of new magic products?

In the last several weeks, we've posted links to and excerpts from a wide variety of reviewers here on the Fun Inc. blog.

My question is: which sources are the most trusted when it comes to product reviews? Websites? Chat/discussion boards and forums? Magazines?

I have my own answer to the question already, but won't cloud the discussion on this topic by posting my thoughts here. Let us hear from you. We'd like to know what you think!


The Conjurer said...

I tend to listen to friends, the folks at My Lovely Assistant, and then the reviewers at Magic and Genii.

The Baby Gag said...

I'm not convinced until I've seen the product, tried it out and know the method.
