The magician links two large safety pins together, fairly and plainly. On his command, the pins visibly and slowly melt apart. The unlinking of the pins actually looks like trick photography. The effect is repeated - the pins unlink again - and the illusion looks just as baffling as it did the first time.
The pins are then caused to magically link together in a seemingly impossible manner. One moment the two are separate, and the next, they are linked.
Finally, an ungimmicked finger ring is legitimately locked onto one of the pins. Despite the fairness of the proceedings, the ring melts off of the pin it was locked on. At the same moment the two pins link together, in full view, inches from the spectators.
At the conclusion of the routine, everything can be examined. There's nothing to find!
The Bernstein Linking Pin Routine requires no specially manufactured gaffs and no complicated sleight-of-hand. Nothing is switched in or out. All that's required are the two pins and a finger ring. There are no external gimmicks. It's ready any time.
Included inside are all necessary props and media: two, specially selected and hand-adjusted three-inch safety pins, a broadcast-quality instructional DVD featuring Bernstein's performance and explanation, and a 17"x22" poster (no page turning required!) with clear line drawings to make learning easy.
Words from those who know:
Hank Moorehouse: "From A to Z - the best linking pin routine I've ever seen."
Phil Wilmarth: "Here is a superb four-part routine... The final phase is a wonderful visual unlinking of a spectator's finger ring from a pin as a separate pin immediately links to the very same pin the ring just left. Bruce also explains how to pass the pins out for examination, upon completion of the routine, without switches. It's a fooler of a routine, yet is no that difficult to do."
Barrie Richardson: "Bruce Bernstein's Linking Pin Routine is one of the most astonishing and entertaining effects on this planet - period!"
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